Nicole Richie Tweets About Sparrow

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It is only fitting that Nicole Richie, who just became a mom for the second time, took to Twitter to tweet for joy about her new baby bird ... er, boy, Sparrow.

After the birth of their son yesterday Nicole and fiance Joel Madden each went online to express their love for themselves publicity Twitter itself their child.

"What a great day to come back on Twitter," Nicole wrote, somehow without sarcasm. "Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I love my family!!"

That's good. We wouldn't have believed it, and it probably wouldn't even be true if she hadn't written about it online for 639,351 of her closest friends.

Joel also lamely Twittered props to his son: "1st day of his life & my son is already a trending topic on twitter. That's right son, ur just like your old man."

We're happy the baby is healthy and all, guys, but get a life. Go hang out with Sparrow. Occasional updates are great, but so is the idea of moderation.

Is the nanny busy caring for the baby while you Twitter about it?

Nicole, Harlow and Joel

Harlow has yet to welcome Sparrow to the world on Twitter. Get on it, girl!


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