Joe Wilson is Your Pre-Existing Condition!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Following his instant-classic "You Lie!" outburst last night, U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson has sparked widespread discussion and even inspired a website in his (dis)honor.
The South Carolina Republican is the subject of a new site called Joe Wilson is Your Pre-Existing Condition, a reference to the controversial health care issue.
It was President Barack Obama's health care speech that caused Wilson to heckle him last night, shouting at him and earning headlines and criticism.
With the tagline "You dissed America; we'll dis you right the f**k back," the new site takes funny shots at the Congressman with each click of the mouse.
Some of them are just amusing, sort of like reverse "Chuck Norris facts." Joe Wilson is totally "that guy" we all hate. For example, the site claims that:
- Joe Wilson hit on your mom
- Joe Wilson stole your newspaper
- Joe Wilson yells 'Free Bird' at concerts
- Joe Wilson didn't refill your Brita pitcher
- Joe Wilson farted during your wedding vows
- Joe Wilson talks on his Blackberry during your favorite movie
- Joe Wilson swapped the dead batteries in his Walkman for the fresh ones in your TV remote
Yep. Joe Wilson is totally that guy.
Some of the Joe Wilson "facts" directly address the health care crisis and his rude outburst, however. A few examples of more serious criticism ...
- Joe Wilson yells while adults are talking
- Joe Wilson claims your sick child is faking
- Joe Wilson thinks you are too stupid to actually read the bill
- Joe Wilson canceled your insurance for buying off-brand insoles
- Joe Wilson doesn't respect the constitution of the United States
- Joe Wilson distracted you from one of the most important speeches by an American President in the last 20 years
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