Jessica Simpson's Dog Daisy: Snatched By Coyote!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's just not Jessica Simpson's year.

First celeb gossip sites post photos of her looking fat, then her country music label drops her from its lineup, then Tony Romo dumps her a night before her birthday, romancing younger, hotter Candice Crawford soon after. Rough.

The alleged singer-actress was dealt a new, sad setback last night when her beloved dog Daisy was abducted, allegedly by a coyote, in Southern California.

The maltipoo, which Nick Lachey gave Jessica as a sign of their undying love once upon a time, may have met a tragic demise similar to their marriage.

Jessica Tweeted that the "carmel [sic] colored" pup was snatched "right in front of her eyes" by a coyote last night. We're guessing Daisy wasn't on a leash.

She posted this reward notice:

Jessica Simpson

Poor Daisy. Just look at that face! Sniff.

Coyotes have been roaming closer to the human population with the wildfires in the area driving them out of their natural habitat. People are being advised not to leave trash or pets outside as snacks for these hungry, wild animals.

Daisy is not the only casualty of this unfortunate scenario. Coyotes have to eat too. Keep dogs and cats inside, people of the L.A. metropolitan area.

We truly are sorry about Daisy and hope Jessica miraculously gets her back or adopts a new pet. Daisy can't be replaced, but all puppies are cute.

Maybe John Mayer can comfort her too.


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