Aubrey O'Day: Castro and Hitler Were "Brilliant"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yes, Aubrey O'Day appeared on Fox News last night and got into a debate about Fidel Castro and Adolf Hitler.

And, granted, she referred to each man as "brilliant," while not remotely condoning either of their actions.

But that shouldn't really be the story. Instead, one has to wonder: What on earth was O'Day doing on air in the first place?!?

This is a woman so desperate for attention that she Tweets nude photos of herself and invents lesbian crushes on various celebrities. Apparently, that makes her qualified to serve as an analyst for Sean Hannity.

She actually sounds more intelligent than the conservative host below, as O'Day can at least recognize gray areas and make a nuanced point. Why can't Castro be both brilliant and an awful human being? Enlighten us, Hannity...


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