Dude Claims He Helped Plan Balloon Boy Stunt; Cops to Press Charges Against Richard Heene
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Robert Thomas, who used to work for Richard Heene (Balloon Boy's dad), said he was obsessed with becoming famous, wanted his own reality show, and had this wild idea for a media stunt that involved a weather balloon that resembles a UFO.
As with Heene's press conference, we wish we were kidding.
Thomas tells Gawker that Heene said this would "be the most significant UFO-related news event to take place since the Roswell Crash of 1947."
He says Heene was "driven by ego and fame" after being on Wife Swap. He says Heene's idea for a show was something like "MythBusters-meets-mad scientist."
Yeah. Richard's gonna be out a lot of money pretty soon.
Thomas says he worked for Heene from March-May of this year, and said he was looking to sell his side of the story for money. Gawker admits paying him for it.
Nevertheless, the Larimer County Sheriff's Department is preparing to file charges against the Heene family over the heavily-publicized incident late last week.
Hopefully Richard Heene and family have a lot of money saved up.
Six-year-old Falcon Heene (middle) was reported missing and thought to be carried off in Richard's balloon, causing mass hysteria. But he was just in the attic.
Sheriff Jim Alderden indicated criminal charges may be filed against one or both parents for the Balloon Boy hoax. He said the charges now would likely be misdemeanors, but that "hardly seems serious enough given the circumstances."
He said he will speak with the FAA about pursuing more "appropriate charges."
In other words, payback for the millions Heene caused emergency responders to waste planning to rescue his son, who wasn't even on the freaking balloon.
Deputies are already working on a search warrant of Richard Heene's home. Officers showed up at the Heene home with a search warrant late Saturday night.
At least three officers showed up at the home to execute the warrant, and while they wouldn't reveal what they were looking for, they're not taking it lightly.
No word on whether Falcon Heene is feeling better.
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