In Custody Fight, Debbie Rowe Won't Beat it

Thursday, July 2, 2009

She may have been left out of his will, but Debbie Rowe is not going away quietly when it comes to the two children she had with Michael Jackson.

Rowe's lawyer will attend next Monday's custody hearing to make sure her voice is heard regarding the fate of Prince Michael, 12, and Paris, 11.

Per Michael Jackson's wishes, the two kids have been in the care of his mother, Katherine Jackson, 79, since his untimely death last Thursday.

Contrary to celebrity gossip reports that Prince and Paris were conceived via donor egg and sperm outside of the womb, Debbie Rowe's attorney, Marta Almli, adamantly insists she is the biological mother of both Prince and Paris.

Reports that Michael Jackson's kids are not his - or Rowe's - surfaced this week, and were certainly some of the more shocking revelations since his death.

Dermatologist Arnold Klein - who was Rowe's boss, she worked as a nurse in his office - is said to be the biological father of Prince Michael and Paris.

He has not confirmed this.

Debbie Rowe PicThe Great Michael Jackson

In any case, Rowe was intentionally excluded from Jackson's estate, with the will stipulating that Katherine raise Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket, 7.

Jackson's last will listed Rowe only in expressly stating she would not be getting any money or property from his estate. She was reportedly paid - handsomely - for her services as a surrogate mother and in her divorce settlement, however.

Rowe relinquished all rights to the kids upon divorcing Jackson, then sought to reinstate visitation after he was charged with child molestation in 2003.

She and Jackson reached an amicable resolution in 2006, though details of the arrangement remain murky. Equally unclear is whether Debbie Rowe will seek guardianship or visitation rights, or whether a court would grant this to her.

Monday's family court session will attempt to sort these issues out. Until then, Katherine Jackson maintains temporary custody of all three children.

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